Family, Healing, Loss, Love

Celebration of life 

How to you find words to express your feeling about someone you deeply loved who is gone now? 

Her love was like the warmth of the sun, she smelled of roses after a rain and walking through a lavender patch, her joy was like the giggle of newborn after discovering her toes. She was so much more than words can express, she was and will always be my mom. 

I feel so fortunate to have lived and grown with her from mother daughter to best friends. 

She was the most loving person I have ever met, not just in theory but in real life. 

She loved you all so much. When my mom loved someone it wasn’t a word it was an action like a waterfall of kindness that poured from her 5ft 2. body. What a powerful woman. 

I knew she was strong when I was growing up because she made it through some of my adventures in boundaries. And yet, I had no idea how strong she really was until I watched her battle cancer for the last 2 years. My mother is a warrior. Both in body and definatrlin in spirit as she prayed for those she loved and world concerns with her powerful voice – victory always was her focus.

As we come here today to celebrate my mom. I know she would want to me to share her love and gratitude with you all. Gratitude to her dear friends and spiritual warriors, gratitude to her loving caregivers,  gratitude to my boss and my work colleagues for allowing me the time off to spend her last days together, love and peace to our family – she is always with us, just a love thought away. 

We will all go back to our lives today some of you will travel farther than others. As you do, Please carry with you the knowing that you are loved by an angel, my mom Sheena, 

I will carry her love with me every day and do everything I can to carry on her legacy of loving kindness. I love you Mom. 

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